Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy new year~~!!!!Many wishes.....

Sorry to myself of no free in updating the blog on time. Anyway, I like to blogging,even nobody are interested in viewing around my blog roughly I think. Here I have many wishes to somebody ...~~

~Hope everybody who are recognized are having healthy and wealthy on the following year...
~Everything will be fine n good to my family...
~World economic crisis could be recovered soon....
~My home can be maintained very well...
~Opening more entertainment places in my beloved hometown,Kluang....

Turn me~~
~Face `d be fair and looked perfect after treatment...
~Results will be flying with colours along every sem,the year 2009....
~Identifying my mistakes I tortured and turns them to be my attributes at all from the first second in 2009....
~Can recognize my new buddies & sisters who can really match me as well...
~Not to be an underdog at every stages, every groups and every times...
~Please....gastric pain..don`t come again...
~Can successfully turn to be a great forward from goalkeeper on the field,if really I can do so....
~Buck up my English and speaking & writting likes Caucasians` style...
~Have a full of peace, respect, loves, laughes around my side..
~To be a main character on everybody`s stares..
~Earn some money to cover my tuition fees and piano-learning fees...
~Someone who looks me down, please behave yourself now....
~have luck every moment...

"Nothing is impossible to be happenned if one puts efforts on it by his/her sincere at all"


